kain kuning neonPemasok Kain RipstopKain militerkain tenda

Mengungkap Rahasia Kain Tenda: Wawasan dari Produsen KAIN TENDA

I. Seni Pelapisan Kedap Air pada Kain Tenda

(1) Peran Penting Pelapis Tahan Air PU

In tent fabric production, the PU coating is vital for pelapis kedap air. As manufacturers, we precisely determine the fabric's tahan air rating, often 1200mm-3000mm, meaning it resists leakage until 1200mm water column pressure.


Berdasarkan penggunaan tenda, kami memilih ketebalan lapisan yang tepat dan menerapkannya pada sisi dalam kain dasar. Ini memastikan ketahanan air dan sobekan yang baik. Lapisan PU kami, sebagai tanda keahlian, menawarkan ketahanan air yang baik dan menjaga kain tetap fleksibel.
(2) Perawatan DWR dan Pelapisan Silikon: Meningkatkan Kinerja Tenda
  • Perawatan DWR (Durable Water Repellent): Pelindung Kelembaban  Tent fabric manufacturers use DWR treatment to enhance a tent's water - repellency. Applied to the tent fabric's outer surface, it makes water droplets bead and roll off, stopping water from soaking the material. It's common on UV - insensitive tent floors, providing basic waterproofing. This ensures the tent functions well, especially in wet conditions.
  • Pelapis Silikon: Meningkatkan Daya Tahan & Fungsi  Tent fabric manufacturers also use silicone lapisan. It increases fabric abrasion resistance and offers some UV protection. The result is a softer, more flexible, and stronger fabric, perfect for rain covers. Manufacturers know it improves the tent's resilience in different weather.

II. Berbagai Macam Kain Tenda

(1) Kain Tenda Polyester: Menyeimbangkan Biaya dan Daya Tahan

Poliester tent fabric, a popular choice among consumers, is lauded for its good abrasion and wrinkle resistance. It comes at a relatively affordable price point, making it accessible to a wide range of outdoor enthusiasts. Its stable chemical properties prevent fading, ensuring the tent retains its appearance even after extended exposure to the elements. However, manufacturers are aware that polyester has lower water absorption, which can lead to slower drying times in humid environments. This understanding allows them to provide appropriate guidance on fabric selection based on the user's needs.

(2) Kain Tenda Nilon: Ringan dan Kuat untuk Petualang

Nilon tent fabric is highly regarded for its exceptional strength - to - weight ratio. It offers excellent flexibility, enabling easy folding and compact packing, making it a favorite among backpackers and adventurers. The fabric also exhibits good abrasion resistance, withstanding the rigors of outdoor activities. Nevertheless, manufacturers are well - versed in the fact that nylon is prone to UV - induced aging. Hence, they often provide detailed care instructions to ensure the longevity of nilon - based tents.

(3) Kain Tenda Nylon 66: Kinerja Premium dalam Kondisi yang Menuntut

Nilon 66 tent fabric represents a premium option within the nilon family. It stands out for its superior strength, along with higher heat and abrasion resistance compared to regular nylon. Tents crafted from nylon 66 fabric can endure harsh outdoor conditions, making them suitable for more extreme adventures. However, due to its higher production cost, these tents often come with a relatively higher price tag. Manufacturers take into account the specific requirements of different users when offering nilon 66 - based tent solutions.

(4) Kain Tenda Ripstop: Daya Tahan yang Diperkuat Melalui Inovasi

Ripstop tent fabric is a testament to the innovative manufacturing processes employed by tent fabric producers. It's not a distinct material but rather a unique weaving technique. By integrating thicker yarns into the base fabric to form a grid - like structure, manufacturers enhance the fabric's tear - resistance. This grid effectively restricts the spread of tears when the fabric is under stress. Whether it's polyester, nylon, or other base materials, manufacturers can transform them into ripstop fabrics, adding an extra layer of durability to the tents.

III. Menavigasi Pemilihan Spesifikasi Kain

Produsen kain tenda menyadari bahwa memilih kain yang tepat memerlukan keseimbangan antara kekuatan, daya tahan, berat, dan kemampuan pengemasan. Karena tenda sebagian besar berbahan dasar kain, memahami spesifikasi kain sangatlah penting.
Kain yang kami produksi memiliki denier atau jumlah yang bervariasi. Nilai yang lebih tinggi berarti kekuatan dan daya tahan yang lebih baik, tetapi bobot dan volumenya lebih besar.
Untuk berkemah atau menjelajah dengan mobil, produsen mungkin merekomendasikan kain yang lebih berat dan tahan lama. Untuk pendakian jarak jauh, mereka menyarankan kain yang lebih ringan tetapi cukup tahan lama. Dengan memanfaatkan keahlian mereka, mereka membantu konsumen memilih berdasarkan kegiatan luar ruangan tertentu.

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Suzhou Sikor Industry Co, Ltd adalah perusahaan inovatif yang berkantor pusat di Suzhou, Cina, dengan pengalaman luas dalam produksi kain serat kimia tenun berkinerja tinggi.
Kain utama kami meliputi kain ringan, kain ripstop, berkelanjutan dan biodegradable tekstil, kain tenun dan kain fungsional, khususnya kain fungsional, kain tahan air dan bernapas, kain yang dapat dilas, Kain laminasi 3 lapis, Antibakteri tahan bau dan tahan lama kain kordura.
Kain ini dirancang untuk memberikan perlindungan khusus dan cocok untuk pakaian santai, pakaian olahraga luar ruangan, pakaian kerja. Berbagai aplikasi termasuk tas, tenda, perlengkapan berkemah Dan industri kegunaan.

Pertanyaan Produk
